Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day #90- It is done.

It's been 90 days since I've spoken with my parents.

Last night, my phone logged a missed call from my mom.  I was shocked, disbelieving that my very stubborn mother would break our stalemate so early in the game.

I didn't let my husband know that I was secretly pleased but I was.  "She wants to talk to me.  She misses me!"  I felt smug.  But part of me thought that she wasn't really calling me to talk to me.  "Maybe she was calling to let me know that my Uncle was in the hospital or something," I figured.

So I picked up the phone from the coffee table and pressed the play button.  She had tricked me.  She had my son call me on her phone.  Oh well.  The stalemate stands.

On a brighter note, I overnighted my Pen Fellowship application today, 15 minutes before the post office closed.  What a relief!  It took me three weeks to put the application together and it wasn't easy.  But it is done.  I'll keep you posted.

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